CKD work published by BMJ Quality and Safety Journal
GM CLAHRC’s work on improving the identification and management of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been published in the BMJ Quality and Safety Journal.
The article outlines how the CLAHRC team worked with GP practices during the first CKD project between September 2009 – September 2010 to diagnose patients with CKD earlier and helped to raise awareness on how to manage the condition more effectively. Earlier detection reduces the risks of associated vascular diseases and the project improved the confidence of clinicians in understanding how to manage early stages of CKD in primary care by using a framework for improvement based around implementing NICE CKD guidelines.
The CLAHRC implementation team used evidence gathered from facilitating the first CKD project to develop the GM CLAHRC CKD Improvement Guide, which was used by the team as a key resource in the implementation of the recently completed second CKD project. This guide supports CKD improvement work either on an independent or facilitated basis, and is available here.
Ruth Boaden, deputy director of Greater Manchester CLAHRC said: “It’s fantastic news and a great achievement that one of our implementation projects has been published by such an esteemed medical journal. The CKD project has attracted a lot of interest from GPs and medical practitioners and our knowledge transfer associates will be presenting a report on the work at the NICE Annual Conference on 15- 16 May.
The work conducted during the project has been very well received by practices who are continuing to improve their management of CKD.”
The implementation team is now working with Leicestershire, Northamptonshire andRutland (LNR)CLAHRC to develop a combined IMPAKT tool. IMPAKT will combine the GM CLAHRC Improvement Guide and a CKD audit tool created by the team at LNR CLAHRC, aimed to improve CKD detection and management.
The article is available on the BMJ Quality Safety Journal website, and viewable with subscription to the magazine. You can also view the original submission.
The CKD project is a research project funded by the NIHR.
Date Published: 17/05/2012