Healthy Ageing
To engage in research about healthy ageing and the development of frailty in older age so as to enable people to live longer, healthier and socially connected lives in safe environments.
We do this by:
- Using the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Ageing Hub Places and Communities approach to Ageing Well in Greater Manchester as a framework for our research.
- Developing evidence of what works to reduce risk of poor health and wellbeing, reduce morbidity and frailty for those approaching later life between 50-69 years in Greater Manchester, aligned to the aims of the Centre for Ageing Better and GM Population Health Plan.
- Advancing Greater Manchester research capacity in pathways to healthy ageing and acting as a hub of knowledge for stakeholders including older adults.
Lead for Healthy Ageing
Prof. Chris Todd
Professor of Primary Care & Community Health at The University of Manchester, previous Director of NIHR Older People & Frailty Policy Research Unit and the Healthy Ageing Research Group (HARG).
Deputy Lead for Healthy Ageing
Prof. Emma Vardy
Consultant Geriatrician and clinical frailty and virtual ward lead at the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, and Honorary Professor at The University of Manchester, and NIHR Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network (GM CRN) Ageing Specialty Lead.
For more information contact:
Alison Littlewood
Healthy Ageing Programme Manager