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Social Care Capacity Building Programme

ARC-GM supports capacity building in Social Care by providing Research Champion, Internship and Pre-doctoral Fellow opportunties 

ARC-GM has funding to increase research capacity in social care practice. NIHR is committed to funding high quality social care research that translates into improvements in outcomes and improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the social care system for those who need or provide care and support.

Building research capacity and supporting the use of evidence in practice is a key part of delivering on this commitment. Developing social care research capacity in practice helps increase the output of research and evidence into practice, resulting in better outcomes for those in need of care and support.

ARC-GM work closely with organisations in the Adult Social Care system and we currently have several opportunities for those working in Adult Social Care* in Greater Manchester wanting to develop their career, and gain experience in research relevant to their area of practice.

Applications are currently open for our 2025 intake and all important dates and information on how to apply are detailed below. 

*including and not limited to, social workers, occupational therapists, providers, social care commissioners and managers.

Social Care/Work Training Opportunities

  • Research Internships:

Research Internships are useful entry-level opportunities to explore applied social care research. They are designed to be flexible to suit each Intern's needs, whilst also including elements of structured training (e.g. funded MRes modules) and the opportunity to contribute to research activity. 

Backfill up to £20,000 is available for up to 12-months. 


  • Pre-doctoral Fellowships

Pre-doctoral Fellowships provide research training awards for social care professionals working in Greater Manchester who wish to develop their career by combining social care practice and development with applied research and research leadership. The Pre-doctoral programme is aimed at those who aspire to undertake PhD level study. Award holders receive funded research time, academic supervision and excellent training opportunities to prepare an application for submission for an NIHR or similar doctoral fellowship opportunity, which includes a research proposal and suitable training and development plan.  

Backfill up to £20,000 is available for up to 12-months. 

Important dates for applying for Internship/Pre-doctoral Fellow award:

Application Deadline: Wednesday 24th January 2025 at 12noon

Shortlisting panel decision: Week beginning 17th February 2025.

Interviews: Thursday 27th February 2025 - in person or online 

Interview outcome: Week beginning 3rd March 2025. 

Start date: April 2025



Apply for Internship or Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Internship and Pre-doctoral Fellowship application guidance

(Click the poster to enlarge) 


Contact information


Alison Littlewood

Programme Manager 

Social Care Research Champions

Through our network of Social Care Champions, we want to develop a social care research culture and capacity in Greater Manchester, to showcase the value of research, career options and training opportunities. 

Research Champions are supported by our team to cultivate their skills as ‘boundary spanners’ across social care delivery, system leadership and research. This role is a chance to develop your research skills which could include, supporting the development and dissemination of research events to showcase the value of  research and research career options for social care professionals, networking across social care organisations to identify areas for social care capacity building, co-developing funding applications (with support) leading to the potential for research outputs e.g. publications and learning how to design and develop feasibility studies in high priority areas.

Funding for the Research Champion role is available for 1 day a week over 12 months.

Important dates for applying for Research  Champions award: 

Application deadline: Friday 24th January 2025 at 12noon

Shortlisting panel decisions: Week beginning 17th February 2025

Interviews: Monday 3rd March 2025 - in person or online

Interview outcome: Week beginning 10th March 2025

Start date: April 2025






















Apply for Research Champion Award

Research Champions frequently asked questions

(Click the poster to enlarge) 

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