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Developing a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for physical healthcare planning in mental health services


What did we do?

We aimed to develop a questionnaire or ‘measure’ to help us find out if service users and/or their carers have been adequately involved in physical healthcare planning in mental health services (or the care plan of somebody they care for). This measure focussed on outcomes from the service user/carer point of view and is therefore called a patient reported outcome measure (or ‘PROM’ for short).


Why was it important?

Many mental health policy documents state that involving service users and carers in care planning is fundamental to improving the quality of their care. However, there is substantial evidence that this does not always happen.


How did we do it?

Initially we held a focus group with a range of service users, carers and healthcare professionals from mental health services to develop the key areas, themes and essential elements related to physical health in care planning. Following this was initial work, 220 service users and carers were invited to complete a questionnaire, either by post or via an online link, to ‘test’ the developed PROM.

Who did we work with?

Manchester Carers


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More information
For more information please contact Michael Spence (Programme Manager)

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