Addressing Long-Term Workforce Challenges in General Practice in Greater Manchester: The Greater Manchester primary care workforce study
What did we do?
We worked in partnership with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) in collaboration with the ten GM Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to investigate long-term workforce challenges in general practice across the region, in line with the Workforce Strategy of the GMHSCP.
Why was it important?
Previously, we did not have a clear understanding of the current workforce landscape or the associated challenges facing Greayer Manchester general practices. To address these gaps in current knowledge we decided to:
Assess the composition of the general practice workforce and how this varies across GM;
Identify key factors that are affecting the recruitment and retention of general practice staff;
Explore key issues affecting the introduction and embedding of new ‘non-medical’ roles into GM general practice;
Share learning about addressing workforce challenges across the region to support providers/CCGs in future workforce planning.
By feeding back our findings to key professionals in real-time we provided guidance for workforce development across GM over the coming years.
How did we do it?
The project focussed initially on a baseline mapping exercise of the current workforce landscape across all 10 GM CCGs, drawing on data captured through existing tools, as well as additional data gathered by the project team. The next stage of the project focussed on the challenges of recruiting and retaining GPs within practices in GM, as well as identifying the barriers to and facilitators of the successful uptake and integration of new roles.
The evaluation was supported by qualitative focus groups and interviews with providers from a variety of practices as well as leads from commissioning groups across the region.
Who did we work with?
The 10 Clinical Commissioning Groups across Greater Manchester:
NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale CCG
Dowloadable resources
- Evaluation Reports, Toolkits and Training Manuals
Mapping of Primary care roles across Greater Manchester - Full GM-wide report
Mapping of primary care roles across Greater Manchester - Summary report
Greater Manchester primary care workforce strategy: Rapid literature review
GM-focused extract of the national GP Worklife Survey (GPWLS)
Integration of New Roles into General Practice in Greater Manchester
- Presentations
Primary Care Workforce Project - Organising Healthcare Programme - Pauline Nelson
More Information
For further information please contact Susan Howard (Programme Manager), Pauline Nelson (Principle Investigator)