Scoping real world examples of pooled health and social care budgets
What are we trying to do?
We are working with the NHS Greater Manchester Integrate Care to explore and understand models and systems of integrated and pooled health and social budgets, as part of the organisational shift to develop functioning integrated health and social care system within Greater Manchester.
Why is this important?
National NHS bodies have suggested Pooled-budgets, as a possible mechanism to support local health and social care systems to deliver better integrated care. This in theory, could simultaneously result in better health outcomes for the overall population and lower cost on behalf of the healthcare providers.
It is important that we look at the international literature to understand if this is the case, and to identify if there are any key barriers and influencers to developing a functioning integrated health and social care budgetary system.
How are we doing it?
There are three key approaches that we are taking:
- International literature synthesis and mapping exercise to identify examples of pooled budgets from different health and social care environments, looking at national, regional and neighbourhood levels.
- Develop a taxonomy of pooled budgets
- Empirical work focussing on national and regional data related to health and social care spend, with a focus on the extent to which it is reactive or proactive.
Who we are working with
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More information
Senior Programme Lead