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Addressing Health Inequalities through Applied Research in Greater Manchester

A workshop to outline an agenda for action Gorton Monastery - 18th March 2022


Tackling health inequalities is a key priority for Greater Manchester (GM) and recent experiences during COVID-19 have further highlighted this need. 

On Friday 18th March 2022, in collaboration with NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, we invited multiple stakeholders and community organisations to a workshop at Gorton Monastery. 

The aim of the day was to discuss and define an agenda for action relevant to applied research to address health inequalities, and inequalities in patient safety in the context of health and care services. 


A full report from the workshop is available here.


Visual Notes 


Putting the voices of those most in need at the heart of research to tackle health and care inequalities.

A blog by Sue Wood.

The recent commitments from Northern Leaders at the Convention of the North, highlights that  tackling health and care inequalities is a key priority for the North of England and Greater Manchester, with a need to find real solutions to the challenges of levelling up the North with other areas of England and uniting the North to unlock its potential.... Read more here. 

Session 1 - Examples of research on inequalities during COVID-19 pandemic


Session 2 - The value of partnerships for understanding and addressing inequalities 


Session 3 - Perspectives and action from key organisations


Public & Community Involvement and Engagement

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