2021 Student and Intern Showcase
This was our first end-of-year showcase event for our PhD Fellows, Pre-doctoral Fellows and interns from the local Greater Manchester health and care system to come together and share their work .
It was well attended by ARC-GM staff and colleagues from partner Greater Manchester health and crare ogranisations; we were delighted that so many of our students took part to showcase their impressive achievements.
You can watch the showcase in full here or see individual poster presentations below.
Posters and Presentations
- PhD Fellows
Mia Bennion
Full-time ARC-GM PhD Fellow
"Enhancing engagement with between-session work in Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) based interventions"
Melissa Surgey
Full-time ARC-GM PhD Fellow
"The role of commissioners in place-based health and care."
Norina Gasteiger (Category Prize Winner)
Full-time ARC-GM PhD Fellow
"Visual and augemented reality for upskilling care home workers in hand and hygiene practices: A realist evalution"
To find out more info about all our PhD Fellows research, please access the PhD Fellowships page here.
- Pre-doctoral Fellows
Anna Mackland
Teenage and Young Adult Occupational Therapist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
"The experience of am NIHR Pre-doctoral fellowship: Developing body image support for teenagers and young adults with a cancer diagnosis"
Amy Vercell
Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Research Associate, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
"Digital intervemtions for people with cancer: Improving eperience and outcomes for people receiving systematic anti-cancer therapy"
Edith Bartrop (Category Prize Winner)
Nurse Practitioner, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
"My Pre-doctoral bridging fellowship experience 2020/21"
- Interns from the GM Health and Care system
Elizabeth Murphy
Research Cinical Pyschologist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
"My internship journey via Systematic Review"
Elizabeth Walkden
Senior Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
"The impact of cardiothoracic surgery on swallow functions in adults post-operatively?"
Connor Moran (Category Prize Winner)
Phsysiotherapist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
"Effectiveness of digital physiotherapuetic intervemtions improvingn adherence levels in adults with neurological conditions: a systemative review"
Kris Bailey
Lead Nurse and Advanced Clinical Practitioner for Cardiovasculr Services, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
"The journey of an ARC-GM Intern during a global pandemic"
Anna Mackway-Jones
Clinical Academic Matron, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
"A COVID-19 internship journey"
Deborah Ganderton
Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
"Swallowing outcomes following treatment for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma"